The 5XXX/6XXX tester is designed to perform a diagnostic test on the logic board. It is designed to test for known component issues which may cause system freezing. It should only be run on Power Macintosh/Performa 5XXX/6XXX series computers, as the information it provides is only of benefit for those machines.
If you are experiencing problems with your computer other than system freezing, it is recommended that a full diagnostic test be performed by an authorized Apple service technician.
If this application is run on a Power Macintosh/Performa 5XXX/6XXX series computer and it finds a problem, it will present one of the following messages:
The logic board has been checked and a potential issue has been found.
Please contact Apple customer support or an Apple Authorized Service
Provider to have the logic board replaced as part of the repair extension
A potential issue with the Cache has been found. Please contact Apple
customer support or an Apple Authorized Service Provider to have the
Cache replaced as part of the repair extension program.
If no problems have been found, this application will present the following message:
The logic board has been checked and none of the specific, known
hardware issues that are covered under this program were found. If you
are experiencing problems, we recommend that you verify that any
software applications you are using are compatible with your computer.
You can do this by contacting the developer of the software. You should
also follow the procedures described in the troubleshooting section of
the User's Guide to reduce any freezing issues you are experiencing.